- We sell 7.5 million kilograms of pork in a year.
- Our pork goes to supermarkets, butchers and restaurants.
- 40 full time staff are employed across both pigs sheds and maintenance.
- We are a Registered Carbon Farm under the Emission Reduction Fund.
- 2,400,000 kilowatts of electricity are produced per annum – this is enough to make us carbon neutral.
- Pig waste is also used as a fertiliser on the farm.
- 5,000 hectares over 3 beautiful farms all located around the town of Young.
- 8,000 Merino breeding ewes.
- 600 breeding cows + 400 trade cattle per year.
- 1,400 hectares of cropping and pasture improved country every year.
- 8 full time staff
- Drought lots to enable pasture preservation.
- Hundreds of thousands of trees have been planted over last 2 decades.
- Wheat and triticale are grown annually to supply the Piggery Feed Mill, plus canola and pastures.
- The Feed Mill produces 30,000 tonnes of feed per year.
- The feed is made to a carefully balanced diet by an expert nutritionist.
- We purchase 15,000 tonnes of locally grown grain per year.
- The mill runs on power made from pig manure.
- 4 full time staff are employed to operate the Feed Mill.